dinsdag 23 december 2008

they say it changes

on sunday, kleo and i were running to see the sun go down.
saturday we took the train to gent to go shopping
and we went to see the glass house of music for life :)
i took pictures with my disposable camera in gent,
and we've made 2 pictures in the photobooth,
but my scanner doesn't work.

donderdag 4 december 2008

patti smith

wants to remind us that eggs,
in their fragile perfection,

come out of a hen's ass.


don't you
let me go
let me go


i am tired and i miss kleo :(

it was snowing again this morning :)
goodbye sleep, hello geography

woensdag 3 december 2008

Mes pas sur les dalles suivent tes pas

Mais la vie sans toi
N'est qu'un grand puit sans fond
N'est que sanglots, violons
Tu as laiss? un grand vide ? la maison


just nine days exam and then the Christmas holidays!